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What Remains of Edith Finch: Genealogy in the Most Unlikely of Places
Okay then…Where? Most people commonly associate first-person video games with intensity, and for good reason. Two of the most popular...

Codebreakers, Communists, and the Catastrophic Raid on ARCOS
The date is 12 May, 1927—two years before the collapse of the global stock market, and, with it, the luxury of jazz in your ears and...

Saved By the Bell: How Echoes of your Ancestors' Pasts Lie in their Education.
If you were anything like me in school, you probably dreaded getting report cards—but, if you’re a genealogist, they can be treasure...

Of Tea and Treachery: Trace the Origins of Britain's 1st Real Superspy with Chronos Heritage'
To anyone who's ever thought that genealogy is boring, we have the book for you! Celebrity genealogist Nick Barrat's The Forgotten S

Conveyances as Genealogy Resources
If you are anything like us, then you are always looking for new resources for genealogy research. We get so excited when we find new...

5 Free Genealogy Websites
Starting out your genealogy search can be daunting, especially when you look at all of the many paid and unpaid options out there. There are

African-American Ancestry: Memories of Slavery
For this particular household, for now we can only imagine what the enslaved people living there might have been named. Who were those peopl

Fantastic Family Photos & Where to Find Them
Picture this: you are moving things about in your house, minding your own business, when you stumble upon an absolute treasure trove of fami
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