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Oh, what's in a gene? Consumer DNA kits and You
Direct-to-consumer DNA kits are a booming business these days. They sell a tantalizing idea: uncover your genetic past, track your...

Genealogy Tip: Trying Different Dates
We recently got a strong reminder that sometimes family recollections of birth and death dates are not the end-all and be-all. One of our...

We're Back!
With one of our storytellers moving to a new country, another getting sick, and everyone being hard at work with new projects, we have...

An Unorthodox Marital History
Today, we decided to share a spotlight on a particularly interesting ancestor that we found in one of our clients' family tree. Unlike...

I am a Neandertal (and so are you)
"Don't be such a Neandertal!" You may have heard the insult tossed around toward someone acting particularly brutish. The idea, of...

Halloween Around the World
Halloween in the United States is a holiday that has recently started gaining popularity around the world, but no other country...

Car Rental Advice for the Family Explorer
Planning out a trip to explore your family heritage can be a unique challenge for a number of reasons. When planning to wander off the...

Four Tips for Navigating Travel in a Foreign Language
I was standing in a station in Tokyo at the tail end of rush hour, a pink ticket in my right hand and a blue ticket in my left hand,...

A Grave Matter: Recycling Burials in Overcrowded Cities
For the genealogist, professional or otherwise, cemeteries are a vital part of understanding a family lineage or a specific ancestor’s...

Conveyances as Genealogy Resources
If you are anything like us, then you are always looking for new resources for genealogy research. We get so excited when we find new...
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