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Five Key Terms from the American Revolution for this Independence Day
Since the period of the American Revolution was all about military forces and force, we have chosen five key terms or figures that fit...

GEDMATCH Purchased by Verogen, Inc.
For those of us that do genetic genealogy, we know how important GEDMATCH is-- it doesn't try to sell us its own direct-to-consumer DNA...
Illuminating our Understanding of the Mayflower
A series of light festivals were kicked off 28 November to 1 December in Plymouth, Boston, Dartmouth, Harwich, Rotherhithe and other...

Trade and Treasure: Monterey's Custom House and the Gold Rush
The words gold rush might bring to mind Alaska, or the Yukon. For some, the closest they’ve ever come to a historical gold rush is...

What Remains of Edith Finch: Genealogy in the Most Unlikely of Places
Okay then…Where? Most people commonly associate first-person video games with intensity, and for good reason. Two of the most popular...

A Day in the Life of a Genealogist
What is life as a genealogist like on a day-to-day basis? How much time do we split between book-based research and internet research? Do...

It's Time to Address your New Year's Resolution to Read... a Spy Novel!
Would you like to join our February book discussion? There's still time! Pick up a copy of Nick Barratt's The Forgotten Spy today and...

Take our DNA Relative Research Survey!
Some people are simply "once and done" DNA testers. They receive their ethnicity results, and that's that. No need to do any more...

2019 Book Group Kick Off
Wednesday, February 6 was our start date to begin reading The Forgotten Spy by Nick Barratt. If you haven't started yet, don't worry!...

Codebreakers, Communists, and the Catastrophic Raid on ARCOS
The date is 12 May, 1927—two years before the collapse of the global stock market, and, with it, the luxury of jazz in your ears and...
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